Libre Graphics Meeting 2014

The Libre Graphics Meeting is a conference where artists, users, developers, designers, contributors,… who use, plan, develop, play with, tamper with free, libre and open source graphics applications, libraries, concepts,…

It is an unparalleled opportunity for them to meet, talk, discuss, listen, experience and learn about their favorite tools, the uses, the undiscovered potential, the new ideas that come with them

This year, Libre Graphics Meeting will happen at the University of Leipzig, April 2-5.

The attendees arrive from all over the world—last year, people from 26 countries traveled to Madrid to attend. Maybe there will be even more this year?

You can help to make this happen—and many of you already did.

We, the GIMP team, are covering the travel and accommodation expenses for our own team members, and we contribute to the global LGM funds as well. These funds are used to reimburse the travel expenses of contributors and speakers.

Our contribution is possible due to your donations—many, many thanks for this, the return on investment from such meetings for the projects is invaluable.

But, the LGM organizers, they ask for modest contributions, always keen not to drain the funds of the projects that attend the meeting. We’ve got our planned expenses covered for this LGM, so we’ll ask you to force them to take more! :)

LGM runs a travel fund pledgie campaign with an ambitious goal: $12,000. Please go there and contribute to make this awesome meeting possible.